Engine Jacket Cooling Water Systems
Engine Jacket Cooling Water Systems (JCW) are used for providing process cooling water to engine jackets to prevent damage to the engine; typically in power generation and Cogen applications. Typical system layout consists of recirculating pumps, heat exchangers, air separation/expansion control, and integrated temperature controls. For Combined Heat and Power (CHP) applications, systems may be engineered for jacket cooling, aftercooler, oil cooler, and exhaust heat recovery. Envirosep engineers and manufactures each system with complete understanding of the total system and the dynamic effects of downstream equipment. Effective and efficient heat transfer is paramount in managing an engine’s overall performance. Envirosep’s Engine Jacket Cooling Water Systems are an effective choice for demanding applications.
- State-of-the-art PLC based system controller, with color touch screen interface
- Constant speed or variable speed pumps
- Auto ystem mixing/diverting temperature controls
- Closed Loop with Air Separator & Bladder Expansion Tank
- System Conductivity Controls with Auto Blowdown
- System Pressure and Differential Pressure Controls
- Heat Exchanger for Tertiary segregation
- Vertical inline, centrifugal pumps
- Back-up cooling for loss of heat load
- Integrated chemical treatment metering pump systems
- Full-stream or side-stream filtration
- ASME PP stamp
- PED certification
- Factory online monitoring and troubleshooting via secured Internet connection
- Stainless steel headers
Main Markets Served
- Pharmaceutical/Biotechnology
- Automotive
- Industrial & Manufacturing
- Food & Beverage
- Mining & Minerals
- Oil & Gas
- Government & Military
- Aerospace